Meet Mustafa Yavuz, also known as “Hazretiyasuo,” a renowned Twitch live streamer and gamer hailing from Turkey. Despite being an engineering dropout, Mustafa found his true passion in online gaming and has successfully built a substantial following on Twitch. His expertise lies in the assassin and fighter gaming character, ‘Yasuo, the Unforgiven,’ which has garnered him millions of views on his YouTube channel. With his immense popularity, Mustafa has become one of the most beloved Turkish online gamers. While he actively engages with his fans on Instagram, his presence on other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter is yet to reach the same level of success.
Quick Facts
- Age: 26 Years
- Gender: Male
Rise to Fame
Mustafa began his journey as a social-media influencer after he decided to quit engineering. He took up the name “Hazreti Yasuo” (“Yasuo” is a gaming character) as his online pseudonym. Mustafa’s first stepped into social media with his ‘Twitch’ channel. His posted his first stream on July 17, 2014, and currently has over 550 thousand followers on the platform.
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YouTube Channel
Mustafa created his ‘YouTube’ channel in September 2016. The channel goes by his online pseudonym. The channel primarily hosts his live gaming broadcasts, fun montages, and some of his best games streamed on his ‘Twitch’ channel. The channel has a few non-gaming videos, too. The first video on the channel to reach a million views was ‘HAZRETİYASUO VS LARS,’ which was published on March 31, 2017. Other such popular videos on ‘Hazreti Yasuo’ are ‘WHICH CHAMPION NEEDED TO ESCAPE BRONZE AND HOW TO ESCAPE ?,’ ‘BİR ORMANCI NE KADAR KUDURABİLİR? HAZRETİ YASUO ORMANCI ÇILDIRTMA #4,’ ‘BİR ORMANCI NE KADAR KUDURABİLİR ? TEK BUFF ALAMAYAN LEE’NİN DRAMI XD,’ ‘HOW MUCH WE CAN MAKE A JUNGLER GO MAD? HAZRETI YASUO MAKE THE JUNGLER MAD #5,’ ‘BİR JUNGLE NE KADAR KUDURABİLİR? HAZRETİ YASUO ORMANCI ÇILDIRTMA #6,’ ‘DÜNYANIN EN EĞLENCELİ VİDEOSU W/ ÖRÜMCEK ENVER 31,’ and ‘HAZRETİ YASUO ORMANCI ÇILDIRTMA #8 w/ ÖRÜMCEK ENVER 31 ODAYI ÖRÜMCEK BASTI!’ Currently, the channel has more than 472 thousand subscribers.
Mustafa publishes his gaming content along with his selfies and other random pictures on his ‘Instagram’ page. In December 2017, He posted a photo of him with his grandfather, Mihraç. Mustafa has over 523 thousand followers on ‘Instagram.’ He owns a line of merchandise and has made it available for sale on ‘’
Family & Personal Life
Mustafa was born on March 20, 1997, in Istanbul, Turkey. He attended ‘Gelişim University’ to study computer engineering but dropped out before receiving the degree. Mustafa is a good friend of fellow ‘YouTube’ gamer Enes Batur.