Rose Bundy is the enigmatic daughter of Ted Bundy, the notorious American serial killer. Born under mysterious circumstances during Ted’s time in jail, Rose’s conception and birth remain shrouded in secrecy. Despite her infamous parentage, Rose has managed to live a private life away from the public eye, leaving many questions unanswered about her past and present.
Quick Facts
- Nick Name: Rosa
- Age: 41 Years
- Family:
- Father: Ted Bundy
- Mother: Carole Ann Boone
- Born Country: United States
- Family Members: American Women
Before Birth
Before Rose Bundy was born, her parents, Ted Bundy and Carole Ann Boone, were colleagues at the Washington State Emergency Management in Olympia, Washington in 1974. Carole, who was going through her second divorce at the time, was initially attracted to Ted. However, she initially denied his advances and their relationship remained platonic. Carole had no knowledge of Ted’s heinous acts during this time.
Relationship Development
Ted and Carole continued to stay in touch through letters while Ted was imprisoned in Utah in 1977. It was during this time that their relationship turned romantic. According to Rolling Stone, Carole even helped Ted escape from a Colorado prison in December 1977. However, Ted was arrested again in 1978. During his 1980 trial in Florida, Ted and Carole got married in the courtroom in front of a judge, despite Ted already being sentenced to death. Carole always believed in Ted’s innocence.
Rose’s Conception
As depicted in the Netflix series “Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes,” Carole became pregnant with Rose while Ted was on death row. It was revealed in the documentary that Ted and Carole had engaged in sexual activity during Carole’s visits to the prison, with the assistance of bribed guards. Carole also allegedly smuggled drugs and money to Ted in jail. The exact circumstances of Rose’s conception remain a mystery, with some theories suggesting that Carole smuggled a condom into the prison and Ted filled it with his genetic material.
Birth and Family Life
Rose Bundy, also known as Rosa, was born on October 24, 1982, a few years after Ted was sentenced to death. Ted also acted as a father figure to Elizabeth Kloepfer’s daughter, Tina, whom he had dated for 7 years. Carole would bring Rose and her son Jayme along on her visits to the prison, and they even took family pictures together in jail. However, Carole divorced Ted and moved to Florida with Rose and Jayme three years before Ted’s execution in 1989. Carole reportedly never saw or spoke to Ted again.
Current Whereabouts
Carole and Rose’s current whereabouts are unknown. It is speculated that Rose maintains a low profile due to her father’s criminal history. Some theories suggest that Carole has remarried, changed her name to “Abigail Griffin,” and is living in Oklahoma, but nothing has been confirmed. Author Ann Rule, in the 2008 reprint of “The Stranger Beside Me,” described Rose as “kind” and “intelligent” and expressed sympathy for the family, stating that she had avoided delving into their lives to respect their privacy.